
Telehealth allows us to provide you your health care service; Physiotherapy and/or Physiology online from the comfort of your own home. During this appointment you will get the same level of expertise and care, and experience the benefits of hands off treatment!

Why Telehealth?
During these times it can be quite tricky or unpredictable when it comes to attending appointments. Whether it be a lockdown, quarantine, or personal preferences; you may not be able to attend your appointment with us physically. You may even live interstate and need the service or a second opinion from our highly experienced physio's. Perhaps your an Athlete and you live interstate - and you require the physio treatment from our Australian Surf Life Saving High Performance Physio's. Whatever it may be - we can assist your needs through an online virtual appointment.

What's the process to book a Telehealth appointment?
To book your Telehealth appointment jump online at Surf Life Physio and select Physiotherapy then select a telehealth initial or follow up appointment. You will then be sent a confirmation email with a link to provide you to your telehealth appointment. It's as simple as that!

If booking online isn't your thing, you can also give us a call on 0755277830 we are happy to answer any questions you have about this service!


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